Orange County
Recent News About Orange County
COUNTY OF ORANGE: Economic Development offers suite of tools for small business owners through SizeUp
.Orange County Economic Development and SizeUp have partnered to provide local businesses and entrepreneurs in Orange County the tools they need to expand an existing company or open a new business.
COUNTY OF ORANGE: Applicants Needed For Orange County Volunteer Boards And Commissions
One of the ways residents can have a positive impact on the future of Orange County is to serve on a volunteer board or commission.
COUNTY OF ORANGE: OWASA solar array funded by Orange County Climate Action Grant
.The fourth and largest of OWASA’s solar arrays is officially online and producing clean energy at Cane Creek Reservoir.
COUNTY OF ORANGE HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Diabetes Self-Management Education Services Classes
.Do you or a family member have diabetes or pre-diabetes?
COUNTY OF ORANGE: 33rd Annual Pauli Murray Award Nominations
The Pauli Murray Award is presented annually by the Orange County Human Relations Commission to an Orange County youth, an Orange County adult, and an Orange County business that has served the community with distinction in the pursuit of equality, justice, and human rights for all residents.
COUNTY OF ORANGE: Free Geriatric Care Management 101 Presentation
You are invited to a free Geriatric Care Management 101 presentation on Jan. 25 from 4 to 6 pm at the Seymour Center in Chapel Hill.
COUNTY OF ORANGE: To Conduct Program For VSED
Don't miss this important program on VSED (Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking), Dementia & Advance Directives on Thu, Jan 12, from 4-6pm at the Seymour Center.
The Orange County Department on Aging and the Project EngAGE Mental Wellness Senior Resource Team invite the public to attend a presentation, Geriatric Care Management 101, on Jan. 25.